Francis ‘Fran’ Petrella, Jr ‘ 64
in onFran was on the football squad as the linebacker offensive tackle and place kicker. He was 1st Team All-Public as…
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Warren ‘Reds’ Jordan ‘40
in on“Reds” had a super career as a ball player. teacher, coach and counselor which all started as Southern. He was…
Bufus “Bucky” Outlaw ‘78
in on“Bucky” placed 3 year of Varsity Football, winning MVP , All Star, & All City Status. He was a Track…
Fred Buonavolta ‘51
in onFred Buonavolta was one of the most versatile athletes to ever play in high school program by competing in four…
Peter Spurio ‘75
in onPeter won six letters at Southern. Two of them were for City Title Letters, He was All-Public his junior year…
John Phillps ‘47
in onJohn was the power driving fullback on our 1944 championship football team. He was All-Public in 1945 and All-Scholastic in…
Fay Williams ’77
in onFaye graduated South Philadelphia High School in 1977. Faye was an outfielder for the Southern Girls SoftBall Team. In 1976…
Andrew Vanore ’75
in onANDREW VANORE Baseball Class of 1975 Andrew played Varsity Baseball for Southern all 3 high school years, 1973, 1974 and…
Joseph Rampolla ’78
in onJOSEPH RAMPOLLA ‘78 Graduating from Southern Class of 1978, Joe Rampolla had 7 Varsity Letters in his repertoire. All three…
Tim Witherspoon ’76
in onTim Witherspoon ’76 was a member of the Varsity Football and Baseball teams at Southern. His contribution as a right…