Fellow Southern Graduates and Friends of Southern,
It has been several months since our last email update. We have been posting messages periodically on our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/officialsphsalumni
Please take note of the following information of interest to the SPHS Alumni Community:
Please join us at the Annual Award of Excellence Luncheon on November 5, 2014!
The annual Award of Excellence with be held on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at noon at Swan Caterers, The Waterfall Room, at 2015 S. Swanson St. (near corner of Front and Snyder Ave.), Philadelphia.
This year’s recipients of the SPHS Alumni Award of Excellence are:
John Curto
Councilman Mark Squllia
Father Nick Martorano
Bob Venuti
In addition to the recipients above, we will posthumously award the late Bill Esher (former President of the Alumni Association) with the Varsity Club Award.
Tickets are $28.00 per person. To order tickets, please contact Giovanna Cavaliere at:
Giovanna Cavaliere
2304 S. 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
Remember that 2015 is the “5th year” and “10th year” anniversary for graduating classes ending in “5″ and “0″. The time to start planning for your Reunion in 2015 is now. If your class ends in “5” or “0”, and you have not already begun to plan for your reunion, the time to start is NOW. Of course, classes are encouraged to have reunions as often as they wish.
All Classes of the 1970’s – Cabaret – It’s a 70’s Thang! – November 15, 2014, 8pm
Class of 1974 – 40th Reunion – November 29, 2014, 7pm
Visit our website (www.sphsalumni.com) for details and contact information for these Reunions. We recommend that if your class has a multiple of 5 year anniversary, that you check our website for any reunion announcement for your Class at least once per month. PLEASE ADHERE TO THE DEADLINE DATES FOR PAYMENT IN THE REUNION ANNOUNCEMENTS. It is important that you make payment by the deadline date as many event locations require as exact a count as possible, two to three weeks in advance of the event.
If you have a scheduled reunion which is not listed above, please let us know the details of your Class Reunion (include the coordinator’s contact information) by sending an email to [email protected]. We will post your Class Reunion on our website under the “Events and Reunions” link. If your Class Reunion details are not posted within seven (7) days of your request (or the details posted require correction), please call the office at 215-468-3377 or email [email protected]. Thank you.
Remember, as a Lifetime Member, you should keep your mailing address and email address current with the Alumni Association. If not, there is a chance you may not learn about your Reunion until after hearing what a great time was had by those who attended.
Singers of Southern High Presentation – Saturday, November 8, 2014, 11am
(Tom DiRenzo and Gene Alessandrini (both of the Southern Class of 1955) will be presenting
“The Singers of Southern High”. at the Charles Santore Library on Saturday November 8,
2014 at 11:00am. The presentation features the many famous and some not-50-famous
singers who attended South Philadelphia High School.)
Full details (and a flyer) for the above event are posted on our website under the “Events and Reunions” section.
The Singers of Southern High Presentation will also be held at a NJ location on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 7pm. (See our website for more details).
That’s right. Southern now has a Graphic and Advertising Arts Career and Technical Education Program, known as SOUTHERN INK. At very reasonable prices, SOUTHERN INK will design:
Business cards
Posters (22″ x 30′)
Flyers (Letter and Tabloid)
Logos for T-shirts
Southern INK is a great learning program for Southern students. Students get real world experience in customer service: learning to be timely, learning the importance of proofing, learning how to take constructive criticism, etc. It is likewise a great asset to the community (while academically benefitting the students).
Recently, an SPHS Alumni Executive Committee Members enlisted SOUTHERN INK to design his business cards. Below are his comments about his experience:
“I was amazed by the quick turnaround. Within 24 hours, I received by email, a proof consisting of 4 different designs from which to choose. Another colleague of mine saw the cards made by Southern INK and ordered a set of business cards as well.” – Willie Pollins, Esq.
To contact SOUTHERN INK to place an order, send an email to [email protected] with the Subject Line: “Southern INK Order”.
Southern needs volunteers in 3 different areas:
1. Our school secretary, needs office help. She is asking for 3 hours a day, 1-5 days a week. Pick and choose a day and time (between school hours 8:30-3:30.) Simple tasks such as stuffing envelops, copying, etc.
2. Our school librarian could use some help. Same schedule as above. Tasks would be to assist her with book organization, filing, student assistance.
3. Our advisor to senior student intern program could use some help with the internship program. She needs an assistance in contacting potential intern placements for senior scholarship students. Hours would be determined by the advisor and volunteer.
Interested persons please contact SPHS Executive Committee Member, Marc Adelman at [email protected]
Quality Education!
Quality Experience!
Quality People!
While the newspapers are only interested in negative stories to sell papers, the positive changes which have occurred at Southern over the past four years are going unnoticed. Under the leadership of Principal Otis Hackney, III, Southern has had many of its students awarded scholarships, including a few recipients of the Gates Millenium Scholarship, a prestigious scholarship that provides all expenses paid for every year in college and post-college studies. That’s right – – full tuition, board, books, and some living expenses through grad school. The Gates Millenium scholarship is awarded to only 1000 students nationwide each year.
South Philadelphia High School is dedicated to providing a quality, comprehensive educational program designed to address the unique needs of a diverse student population. Our mission is to provide a quality education for all students, one that develops the content knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable students to reach their maximum potential with knowledge to participate meaningfully in a multi-cultural, technological, and change-oriented society.
• Carpentry
• Commercial & Advertising Art
• Business Information Technology
• Computer Technology
• Culinary
• Engineering Technologies
• Health Professions
• Child Care
For more information on enrolling at Southern, contact:
Mr. Otis Hackney III, Principal
2101 S. Broad Street • Philadelphia, PA 19148
Phone: 215.952.6220 • Fax: 215.551.227
Please note that the volunteers of the Alumni Association cannot always timely go to the school to check our mail. For this reason we ask that you use the following mailing address (unless directed in a Newsletter or other communication to send elsewhere) to ensure a prompt response:
South Philadelphia High School Alumni Association
c/o Mr. Joe Manzo
2002 S. Newkirk Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146
We will still continue to check the school for any mail that arrives there for the Alumni Association (probably once a month or so).
Lifetime (or Memorial) Memberships make a great Christmas gift for the Southern graduate who has not yet become a Lifetime Member. Perhaps your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, or other relative graduated from Southern. Surprise them at Christmas, on their birthday, or anniversary with a gift of a lifetime – a Lifetime Membership. Lifetime Memberships may be conveniently purchased online at www.sphsalumni.com for the one-time cost of just $25 (please indicate the name of the SPHS graduate and new Lifetime Member in the box for Lifetime Member’s name. Thank you.). You can also ask your relative to see if he or she has their yearbook, and if not, surprise them by purchasing their yearbook at the price of just $15. A Lifetime (or Memorial) Membership for the person photographed in the yearbook is required to be eligible to receive the yearbook.
SPHS Alumni Association
c/o Mr. Joe Manzo
2002 S. Newkirk Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146
(215) 468-3377
Email: [email protected]
Visit us online at www.sphsalumni.com
“Like” Us on Facebook at facebook.com/officialsphsalumni