Please take note of the following information of interest to the SPHS Alumni Community:
The Annual Newsletter was mailed on February 28, 2013. Just over 100 of the Newsletters mailed were returned as undeliverable.
Hopefully noone reading this email is one of the persons whose Newsletter was undeliverable. For the past year, we have been reminding people to make sure that they update their address with us and to check that even if your Newsletter was mailed to them last year without incident, that if you live in a multi-unit property, the post office will not deliver mail without an apartment or unit number.
If your 2013 Newsletter was returned as undeliverable, in order for us to send you another hard copy of it, you must send us a self-addressed, postage-paid, large 9×12 (or 9×13) envelope with $1.12 postage on it to: SPHS Alumni Association, 2101 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19148.
This year’s Hall of Fame Banquet will be held on Sunday, May 19, 2013 beginning at 1:pm at Savoy Caterers, 1444 Route 73 North, Pennsauken, New Jersey. The cost per ticket is still just $35. For those of you who have attended past Hall of Fame Banquets held at the Savoy, you know the spread is awesome!.
For door-to-door directions (based upon the starting address you provide), please see the directions available in the Events and Reunions Section of our website.
This year’s Hall of Fame Inductees are:
Athletic Hall of Fame:
Anthony DiPietro ‘68
Bill Rankin ‘62
Lou Sbarra ‘70
Dr. Anthony DiPrimio ‘51
Cultural Hall of Fame:
Dr. Vincent A. Fulginiti ‘ 49 – Physician, Writer, Medical Administrator and Professor
Colonel George E. Hardy ‘ 42 – Tuskegee Airman and Engineer
Dr. Saul Jeck ‘49 – Physician and Professor
(With regret, we inform you of the passing of Dr. Vincent Fulginiti, an Inductee into the 2013 Hall of Fame. A family member will be accepting the award on behalf of Dr. Fulginiti.)
For detailed biographies of the 2013 Hall of Fame Inductees, go to our “Events and Reunions” section on our website (www.sphsalumni.com) and click on the link for the Annual Hall of Fame Banquet.
To purchase tickets and support these amazing Inductees, please use the insert which will be in the Newsletter (insert card is also available in the electronic version).
Remember that 2013 is the “5th year” and “10th year” anniversary for graduating classes ending in “3” and “8”. If your class ends in “3” or “8”, and you have not already begun to plan for your reunion, the time to start is NOW. Of course, classes are encouraged to have reunions as often as they wish.
The following Graduating Classes have information posted about Reunions on our website:
Class of 1988 – 25th Reunion – Saturday, April 13, 2013, 7pm (NOTE: location change)
Classes of January and June 1963 – 50th Reunion – Sunday, April 14, 2013, 1pm
Class of 1978 – 35th Reunion – Saturday, June 22, 2013, 8pm
Boys’ and Girls Classes of June 1953 – 60th Reunion – Sunday, October 6, 2013, 1pm
Class of 1968 – 45th Reunion – Saturday, October 26, 2013
Class of 1976 – 37th Reunion – Fall 2013 – Planning Underway
Class of June 1964 – 50th Reunion – June 15, 2014 – Planning Underway
Visit our website (www.sphsalumni.com) for details and contact information for these Reunions.
If you have a scheduled reunion which is not listed above, please let us know the details of your Class Reunion (include the coordinator’s contact information) by sending an email to [email protected]. We will post your Class Reunion on our website under the “Events and Reunions” link.
If your Class Reunion details are not posted within seven (7) days of your request (or the details posted require correction), please call the office at 215-468-3377 or email [email protected]. Thank you.
Annual South Jersey Buffet Brunch – Sunday, September 22, 2013, 11am
Annual Award of Excellence Luncheon – TBA (Fall 2013)
Details for these events are posted on our website under the “Events and Reunions” section..
We ask that all of you be on the lookout for future announcements of events such as CAREER DAY at the school where you can help current Southern students learn about your career field.
In addition, if you and/or your company can provide a venue for SPHS seniors to complete their 15 hour Community Service requirements, for please contact Assistant Principal Cecelia Merritt, at [email protected], or contact her at 215-952-6220.
Hopefully, you are already a Lifetime member of the SPHS Alumni Association. Lifetime (or Memorial) Memberships make a great gift for the Southern graduate who has not yet become a Lifetime Member. Perhaps your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, or other relative graduated from Southern. Surprise them on their birthday or anniversary with a gift of a lifetime – a Lifetime Membership. Lifetime Memberships may be conveniently purchased online at www.sphsalumni.com for the one-time cost of just $25 (please specify in the Notes section if the membership is for a different person than the purchaser. Thank you.).
Yearbooks for the Classes of 1979 and earlier are dwindling down to 2 or 3 per class, if any at all (not counting the “Reference Only” copy). We still have several copies of yearbooks for the 1980s to the present. For example for the Class of 1998, we have over 40 books available for purchase by Lifetime Members of the SPHS Alumni Association. Yearbooks can be ordered on our website.
SPHS Alumni Association
Visit us online at www.sphsalumni.com
“Like” Us on Facebook at facebook.com/officialsphsalumni
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