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Date(s) - 10/17/2021
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Swan Caterers
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Our 66th-year Reunion will be held on
Sunday, October tTths 2ozr
The time is 12-4 p.m.
Place: Swan Caterers-Waterfall Room
2015 south water street, in good old South Philly
The cost is $60.00 per person, which includes a great buffet, beer, wine,
soda (cash bar for other drinks), hot appetizers and dessert table.
Spouses and Guests are welcome and suggested.
Live music for your listening and dancing pleasure.
It will be great to see old friends and relive our high-school days.
let’s make it a great party!
View Flyer Here:
SPHS Class of 1955 Reunion Info
October 17, 2021