Date(s) - 11/08/2017
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Swan Caterers
November 8, 2017, 12 noon – 3pm
The annual SPHS Alumni Association Award of Excellence Luncheon will be held at Swan Caterers, 2015 S. Water Street, Philadelphia, PA, 215-389-8888, http://www.swanwaterfallcaterers.com/ on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 12 noon – 3 pm. Tickets are $32. per person.
This year’s recipients of the SPHS Alumni Award of Excellence
Herb Jung, former Southern High principal and founder of Asian American Educators.
Liz Juliano Olivieri, Class of 1975, SPHS Alumni Association Executive Committee member
Joann Abate Custodio, Class of 1971, retired longtime mathematics teacher at Southern High
The Ferrara Twins, John and Benjamin, Class of 1986, Owners of Twins Auto Body and participants in community and charitable activities.
Charles Leuzzi, Oldest member of the Class of 2017 and World War II Veteran.
For additional information, contact: Giovanna Cavaliere at 215 626 7053
Please send your check to arrive no later than Oct. 31 to
Giovanna Cavaliere
2304 S. 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
Please make the check out to the “SPHS Alumni Association,” and send with the following information:
Name____________________________________ Class year if a graduate______
Phone number______________________________
Email address_______________________________.
No tickets will be mailed out; your name will be on the list at the door. Please sign in when you enter the Waterfall Room and select your own seat(s) and name badge.
If you are unable to send your check before the deadline, you can pay at the door. However, only cash will be accepted at the door.
Tentative Luncheon Timeline:
Noon- 12:35 Sign in and Cash Bar
12:35 – 1:55 PM Buffet Lunch
1:55 – 3:00 PM Awards Presentations